2.0.0p3.cre (RAW): check_mk.socket: Too many incoming connections (4) from source x.x.x.x, dropping connection

I started using the caching agent, and setting the service to unlimited/not set concurrent connection to avoid getting blasted by crits, it has helped. But… I am having to flush out failed check_mk.socket services almost daily, no idea why, on a bunch of normal machines.

I’ve just accepted it as a fact of life, but wanted to leave the commands here that I use here for anyone else to setup a cron. Also, I am running checks from an LTE remote connection (remote servers are hosted on stable connection though.), so I understand that my connection itself is a bit shaky. Perhaps others with a better connection have less of an issue.

systemctl daemon-reload;  # This should NOT be needed, but sometimes the service just doesn't "clear" up without it. No idea why.
systemctl reset-failed;  # This to clear out all the failed services see image below, Additionally I have created a rule to ignore check_mk services failures in the systemd module
systemctl restart check_mk.socket;  # Restart the service
systemctl status check_mk.socket  # Make sure its running after.

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