[2] [notification helper XXXXX] invalid signal byte ASCII 76, expected '*'

I am getting a lot of messages in var/log/cmc.log for all of my sites looking like this:

[2] [notification helper XXXXX] invalid signal byte ASCII 76, expected '*'

I am not using any custom notification plugins, just HTML Mail and ASCII Mail.

Does anyone have a clue what this means?

Did you look in ~/var/log at all logfiles releated to notification like mknotifyd (CEE) or notify log?

As far as I can tell, there are no obvious errors in the logs.

@edit: My statement about nonfunctional ASCII mails has been proven wrong, so I am apparently just stuck with this message in the cmc.log.

See the folloing post for further investigation, I was able to clarify some more details.

please change this global setting to “Normal logging”


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I am gonna mark this as the solution here, as the messages stop right after adjusting that setting.


For further information refer to the dedicated post linked above.

This problem will be fixed with werk #12758

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