About the Feedback category

A category for sharing and discussing your feedback about Checkmk.


Why can we only give 2 votes?

The argument that this limits the community to the really important topics is too short.

Vecause everyone voted first for their own topic there are no votes for other or new topics left that would also be important to them. So in the end, you get a lot of suggestions without any clear trends. That’s probably the reason why all the proposals here have so few votes.

I suggest to increased the limit of votes to 10 or 20.

Hi Lars,

The number of votes allowed depends on the 'trust levels’ of the account. This is to help ensure that no account is created to only spam votes. The max number for a newly created account is 5. However, for the next levels, it should be 10, then 100. I see that previously you have the ‘Basic’ badge which only allows you to cast 10 votes, but 18 hours ago you got the ‘Member’ badge, which should now allow 100.

You can see the summary of the topics you have voted for here.


Hi Faye,

thank you for the explanation. I just noticed that I am now allowed to vote more :slight_smile:

Cheers, Lars

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