About the Product Ideas category

Feature ideas, product feedback and improvement suggestions

This is a category for the community to share, discuss and vote on ideas to improve Checkmk. This can also include ideas that involve contributing to the GitHub repo. We are trying our best to address as much feedback as possible, but there’s no guarantee they will be fulfilled as development is dependent on the roadmap and company strategy.

How to post a Product Idea

When posting a product idea, please follow the following format


If applicable, describe the problem caused by the absence of this feature. Please give as much info as you can on how to replicate this problem. Screenshots would be great!

Feature Description

Describe the feature and if applicable, what problem will it solve. Feel free to go into details by providing process flows and mockups. If you have any prototype available, please share the link.

Voting for an Idea

Users have voting limits depending on your current Trust Level. Use your votes wisely!

Processing Posts

Staff members shall assign the following tags to your idea

under-consideration if the request is being discussed
work-in-progress if it’s being worked on
done if it has been implemented
rejected if it has been rejected
duplicate if there’s a similar idea before

Closing Posts

Posts can be closed if:

  • The feature already exists or it’s possible to implement via some workaround
  • The feature has been created

If you think a post should be reopened, feel free to contact @fayepal.


This category used to be named Feature Requests, but renamed to Product Ideas to better set the correct expectations.

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