Accept automatically all undecided services

Hey, I have a rule that should monitor the data from snmp, but it only moves to undecided services. Which rule or configuration can accept them automatically?
Thank you for your response in advance


you’re looking for Understanding and configuring services - Detecting and monitoring elements of a host :slight_smile: ← deeplink to adding service automatically


Thank you for your response.
Still it doesn’t…did I configure something wrong here?

Hi @SAGAlvin,

have you waited the 15 minutes that checkmk groups the change activation for? (And has the check run, it only runs every 2 hours)

The “Service Filters” checkbox in the end could probably be unselected if nothing is configured below.


Hi @gstolz ,
Yes I waited long enough, now I changed that to every 1 hour and unchecked the Service Filters, still it didn’t work…