Accessibility & Checkmk

Greetings Community,

We are happy to announce that we have recently created the :arrow_right: Checkmk Accessibility Statement :arrow_left:, which highlights our commitment to improving the accessibility of our software.

:information_source: Accessibility refers to the design and implementation of features that allow individuals with disabilities or impairments to access and use a software or platform.

We firmly believe that this is essential to creating an inclusive and user-friendly experience for all of our users.
However, we also recognize that there are areas where we need to improve. We are aware of the limitations and are actively trying to improve them. Your input is important to us, and we would greatly appreciate your help in identifying any accessibility issues you may encounter when using Checkmk.
To facilitate this process, we have set up a dedicated email address: :email:

We encourage you to contact us if you encounter barriers, e.g. difficulties with color and contrast or any other related issues. Your feedback will provide us with valuable insights to help us make Checkmk more accessible for everyone.

We’d also like to emphasize that improving accessibility doesn’t just benefit people with disabilities. Removing barriers can improve the overall usability and functionality of Checkmk for all users.

It is our belief that collaboration between you, our users, and our development team is key to the achievement of our accessibility goals. Together we can ensure that Checkmk remains a powerful, inclusive and accessible tool that meets the diverse needs of our user community.

Thank you in advance for your valuable feedback. We look forward to working with you to make Checkmk even better for everyone.
