Activate inline help for all users in checkmk Webinterface

**CMK version: 2.2.0p6
**OS version: Ubuntu-Server 20.04

Is it possible to active inline help option for all users in checkmk webinterface?

2023-07-19 11_40_58-Checkmk Local site cmk - Services of Host kvwmx2 und 15 weitere Seiten - Geschäf

Hi @gero1,

I think it’s not possible to activate this globally for everyone. It is a user setting and everyone needs to turn it on. I’m not 100% sure where the info is saved but it’s not inside the file.

But feel free to suggest it to the feature portal:

But I think it is a very low priority feature and don’t expect it in the near future. :upside_down_face:


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