Active Checks debugging


how active checks can be debugged?
For example an http check is not working and shows this in the Service check command:
check_mk_active-http!'-u' '/health-check' '--onredirect=follow' '--sni' '-p' '80' '$HOSTNAME$' ''
How can I manually run this command on the command line with debugging output?

Kind regards

all default active checks (i.e. checks that you haven’t placed there yourself) are in ~/lib/nagios/plugins
so in this case, the call you are looking for would be “check_http” and then all the parameters after the ! in the service_check_command

the $HOSTNAME$ would have to be resolved manually as it’s not a bash but a checkmk/nagios variable

~/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http '-u' '/health-check' '--onredirect=follow' '--sni' '-p' '80' '$HOSTNAME$' ''

If you catch yourself regularly needing to check active checks, I use the following script to make life easier:

# very simple script to run a livestatus query against the livestatus socket of the local site
# returns: host_name service_description and the expanded (i.e. with resolved variables) check_command that will be run on the command line

# Script understands only 2 parameters, both regex
# ./ [service_description_filter] <optional_host_name_filter>

if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
 echo "Please provide part of a service_description so that we can filter somehow - if you want everything, use \".*\""
 exit 1

if [ -n "$2" ] ; then
 hostfilter="Filter: host_name ~~ $2"

query="GET services
Columns: host_name service_description check_command_expanded
Filter: service_description ~~ $1
echo -e "$query" | unixcat ${OMD_ROOT}/tmp/run/live

the check_http script has also a debug (-v) option which you can use during troubleshooting on the command line:

~/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http '-v' '-u' '/health-check' '--onredirect=follow' '--sni' '-p' '80' ''
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@gstolz oh thank you! Last time I was searching for the “onredirect” option I was not finding it. Didn’t see that is it just the scripts in the lib/nagios/plugins… Thought they are only used by “integrate Nagios plugins”. Thank you! Also for the script!

@T.Schmitz thank you too.

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