Add Grafana inside Checkmk

CMK version:
OS version:
Centos 7
Error message:
Not able to add Grafana
Output of “cmk --debug -vvn hostname”: (If it is a problem with checks or plugins)

I wanted to open grafana directly from Checkmk so I have added it to bookmarks and configured it, in grafana I have enabled it to accept connections from outside but Checkmk gives me an error when it establishes the connection telling me that there is a reverse proxy when it does not exist. I don’t know if there is something else I’m missing in the Grafana configuration or if Checkmk is really doing a reverse proxy configuration. can you give me more information?

external bookmarks are not possible.

Have a look at:


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Checkmk uses IFRAMEs and that is a big no-no to refer to external sites. You should not do it. I cant find any reason why you want to do it either. its stupid

Hello, I think it is very interesting because I do that the user does not leave the checkmk application to see the monitoring system of your department, note that Checkmk although it is a monitoring platform there are also parts that see each of the aeras, one of systems, other database, other networking, other security and so a long etc., if created in this way each user only sees the graphs of your area without leaving Checkmk. Best regards

If you configure a reverse proxy to Grafana in the system apache’s configuration it should work with the security settings, wouldn’t it?

Hello I don’t have any reverse proxy configured, the configuration is directly against another vm that only has Grafana installed. For this reason I find it strange that at no point in the documentation that you provide the configuration of access to Grafana from an external proxy.

Can you provide me with this information? Best regards and thank you very much

As mentioned already before here, we can not document things which would make checkmk insecure.

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Ok, thank you very much for the information.

Best regards

If you open the URL e.g. with STRG - click it should open.

You may add Grafana as an additional icon to Host or Service. This way you get the correct context.

Here a code which you just need to adjust to your needs:


#new import
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error

def paint_pilot_link(what, row, tags, host_custom_vars ):
# Available Custom Attributes:
# OS
# DC

   OS=host_custom_vars.get('OS', '')
   APP=host_custom_vars.get('APP', '')
   if SITE.lower() == "preprod":
       PILOT_BASE_URL="<some URL>"
       PILOT_BASE_URL="<some URL>"
   if what == "host":
      PILOT_VAR_URL="&type=host&dc=%s&os=%s&env=%s&app=%s&host=%s&base=%s" %(DC,OS,ENV,APP,HOST,BASE)
      if "check_mk_active" in CHECK or "check-mk-custom" in CHECK:
      #encoding the service name
      #changing the below to a similar one
      PILOT_VAR_URL="&type=service&dc=%s&os=%s&env=%s&app=%s&plugin=%s&%s&host=%s&base=%s" %(DC,OS,ENV,APP,CHECK,SERVICE,HOST,BASE)

   # Use the khelpcenter icon, you can use custom icons or the icons from ~/share/check_mk/web/htdocs/images/icons/
   #PILOT_VAR_URL= PILOT_VAR_URL.replace(" ", "_")
   return 'khelpcenter', _('Open pilot instructions'), ('%s%s' % (PILOT_BASE_URL, PILOT_VAR_URL) , '_blank')
multisite_icons_and_actions['pilot_object_link'] = {
    'paint':    paint_pilot_link,
    'toplevel': True,

The page open also in a new tab/window


Hello, I have seen your code, but I have a problem I have it in centos 8 and I have looked for the directory that indicates me, but I have three empty directories, I think I can’t find the directory that makes reference, could you indicate it to me?

[root@checkmk share]# locate check_mk | grep plugin | grep icons
[root@checkmk share]# cd /opt/omd/sites/lab/local/share/check_mk/web/plugins/icons
[root@checkmk icons]# ls -lrt
total 0
[root@checkmk icons]# cd /opt/omd/versions/2.1.0p27.cee/skel/local/share/check_mk/web/plugins/icons
[root@checkmk icons]# ls -lrt
total 0
[root@checkmk icons]# cd /opt/omd/sites/lab/.version_meta/skel/local/share/check_mk/web/plugins/icons
[root@checkmk icons]# ls -lrt
total 0

In 2.0 and 2.1 the icons are in:

OMD[master]:~$ ll ~/share/check_mk/web/htdocs/images/icons/
total 1508
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3106 Apr 19 08:12 3floppy_mount.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2050 Apr 19 08:12 3floppy_unmount.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2952 Apr 19 08:12 5floppy_mount.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1792 Apr 19 08:12 5floppy_unmount.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2765 Apr 19 08:12 access.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3926 Apr 19 08:12 acroread.png

But you can also go to Custom icons and actions in global settings and add a new entry. You find the icons there and while you hoover over the icon you see the icon name.

Beside that you can add with custom icons your personal icons.

Hello, the icons have not been the problem, I have already put them but to put an iframe and make it open it does not let me.

I have added a line of code in the file and I have created a reverse proxy with apache on the Grafana server so that it can accept it but still does not allow me there is some parameter that I need to do so can you provide me that parameter would be ?

Thank you very much