After installing any extension package, half of my services go dark. Error messages for checking agent with extension

Hi, I am a bit new to checkmk, but so far, I am happy that I tried it.
My only problem that I run into is, that as soon as I am downloading and activating an extension, half of my services to monitor just vanish. They are not available anymore. For example, I used the "Unifi API with piggyback Devices ". The extension works great and gives me the info that I want. However, all the other agents bring up issues that this service cannot be checked and go to a warning state. Also, when I fill out the VMWare ESXi information, the API for ESXi works fine, but my checkmk agent on the checkmk Linux machine dies completely. Is there something that I need to adjust first, like a setting that the extension package only goes to one monitor agent/API? And I am not sure why VMWare credential would break the agent. I watched YouTube videos and followed all the instructions from A-Z. I can leave it on SNMP only and it works fine, but UDM cannot be monitored with SNMP. Tested it on different Linux distros and versions. All the same.
I’d appreciate all the tips and tricks you can give me. I am using the free version

Hi Vader,

you need to limit your api integrations (fka “special agent”) configurations in the conditions section, so that checkmk knows that you only want to contact your vCenter host using the vCenter API. Without this limit, all hosts will be contacted using the vCenter api instead of the default checkmk agent:

Suggestion: if you have multiple devices that use the same API integration, create a folder or tag instead of listing explicit hosts :slight_smile:


Awesome thanks. I will give it a try. Just made a backup from the VM in the case the services die again from activating this rule.

It worked. I did the same with the Unifi extension and none of my services died. Thanks again.

glad I could help :slight_smile:

Can you please mark the answer as the solution if it solved your problem?

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