Agent Bakery Signing Certificate - SHA256 requirement

CMK version:

OS version:

Error message:
error: unpacking of archive failed on file /etc/check_mk/cmk-update-agent.cfg;66a20cf9: cpio: Digest mismatch

Hello together,

i’m trying to create a new signing key for the bakery via openssl. I won’t use the function in the agent bakery for test-reasons (no md5).
I want to make a certificate with sha256 and then sign my agents with this certificate, but i can’t seem to get it right, so that the Bakery accepts my new certificate.

Has someone already created a new signing cert for the agent bakery via openssl and can help me?
Have tried many tutorials on how to create certificates, but check_mk bakery always denies them.

The error message appears while installing the new agent, regardless the mentioned files exist on the OS.

Regards, Kruzgoth