Agent Updater with wrong update_url

**CMK version:2.2.p23 cee
**OS version:Redhat7

Hi all,
i have an auto-update in my distributed env and i have some Redhat agents which are using the wrong url for contacting the master for updates.
I defined an url for my master in the updater rule, but the agent is trying to contact the slave site to which it is connected first. The slave site cannot be contacted from the agent and so the update is waiting for a 2 minutes timeout before trying the correct master url.
I also defined the “always” option in the rule and as far as i understand the updater should always use the defined url for updates.

But it does not. So my update takes always about 6 minutes to finish.

Does anyone has an idea for that?

Thanks in advanced


Hi Göran,

I would check the config file and the state file of the Updater plugin on one of the Hosts to see, if the values are what you expect.


Maybe in the first registration command someone manually configured the wrong satellite or the config in the Installation packages was wrong and the hosts were registered to the satellite by accident in the first place.

If the config file is correct, you can delete the state file and reregister the host again.