Ansible checkmk.general.rule host_labels error

CMK version:
Checkmk Raw Edition 2.2.0p7

OS version:
checkmk/check-mk-raw:2.2.0-latest docker image

Error message:
TASK [checkmk : Create a rule in Kubernetes rule set] ********************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {“ansible_facts”: {“discovered_interpreter_python”: “/usr/bin/python3.8”}, “changed”: false, “id”: “”, “msg”: "Error calling API. HTTP code 400. Details: b’{"title": "Bad Request", "status": 400, "detail": "These fields have problems: conditions", "fields": {"conditions": {"host_labels": {"0": {"_schema": ["Invalid input type."]}}}}}', "}

the above message appears while trying to create rule with host_labels in Ansible.

host_labels": [] 

works fine, the above error appears with the following

- name: "Create a rule in Kubernetes rule set"
    server_url: "{{ server_url }}"
    site: "{{ site }}"
    automation_user: "{{ automation_user }}"
    automation_secret: "{{ automation_secret }}"
    ruleset: "special_agents:kube"
        conditions: {
            "host_labels": ["cmk/kubernetes/cluster:my-test-cluster2"],
        properties: {
            "description": "k8s cluster"
        value_raw: "{'cluster-name': 'my-test-cluster2',\n 'kubernetes-api-server': {'endpoint_v2': '',\n                           'verify-cert': False},\n 'monitored-objects': ['deployments',\n                       'daemonsets',\n                       'statefulsets',\n                       'namespaces',\n                       'nodes',\n                       'pods',\n                       'pvcs',\n                       'cronjobs'],\n 'namespaces': ('namespace-include-patterns', ['custom', 'infrastructure']),\n 'token': ('password', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX'),\n 'usage_endpoint': ('cluster-collector',\n                    {'endpoint_v2': '',\n                     'verify-cert': True})}"
            folder: "/"
            position: "top"
    state: "present"

in GUI it should be in Kubernetes rule under host labels:
has cmk/kubernetes/cluster:my-test-cluster2

when I try to include has

"host_labels": ["has":"cmk/kubernetes/cluster:my-test-cluster2"],

it outputs

fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {“ansible_facts”: {“discovered_interpreter_python”: “/usr/bin/python3.8”}, “changed”: false, “id”: “”, “msg”: "Error calling API. HTTP code 400. Details: b’{"title": "Bad Request", "status": 400, "detail": "These fields have problems: conditions", "fields": {"conditions": {"host_labels": {"0": {"key": ["Missing data for required field."], "value": ["Missing data for required field."], "has": ["Unknown field."]}}}}}', "}

You need the following format for the condition:

            "host_labels": [
                "key": "cmk/kubernetes/cluster",
                "operator": "is",
                "value": "my-test-cluster2"

thank you. it works.
would be nice to see it in the documentation though.

Is there a solution to make it idempotent?

I wanted to use your example from github for idempotency check but it

register: response

- name: Show the ID of the new rule
    msg: "RULE ID : {{ }}"

fails with “this variable has no attribute id” works now.
Are there any practical workarounds to make the rule creation idempotant?

own api call of existing rules will make it idempotent.
in ansible using uri module.
with checkmks own module not possible yet

It is in the module documentation in the EXAMPLES section.

There is an underlying problem with the data structures, which needs to be tackled upstream. Maybe idempotency is possible in your case, but I cannot say for certain. The example you mention only works upon rule creation, as the ID is returned there.