API endpoint for Checkmk monitroring instance overall Health

Does Checkmk Monitoring instance expose any API endpoint where we can fetch the information about the overall health of the monitoring system ?

Hi Marco,

you can user the Livestatus API to get information about the health of your instance


Thanks for pointing me to the Livestatus API documentation. I do not see anything about the health of the monitoring instance. Is there a plugin available that can monitor the performance of the CMC core and the overall health ?

To get this information you can use the Web API.

You can activate the ‘Server Statistics’ Snapin

That’s really helpful. Can we also query it through API ?

The OMD Services you can querzukommen through the WEB-API: https://checkmk.com/cms_web_api_references.html

For the Server-Statistics you can use the Livestatus API especially the column ‚status‘


status Information for the core’s status and performance

Hope it helps

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Thanks a lot. I will go through this and try it and let you know.

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It would be nice. thank you

For the core status you only have to sent a
GET status
to your livestatus endpoint.
Output is the complete status information of your core.

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