API Requets for check_mk/api/1.0/objects/rule type agent_config:mrpe failing with multiple entries

CMK version: 2.2p31
OS version: Windows using Postman 7

Error message: 400 Bad Request

I have the problem here, that I want to put multiple MRPE entries (add plugin in GUI) into the value_raw.
If I only use one “cmdline, description” pair into the “value_raw” the request succeeds, but if I copy the exported value_raw with multiple entries from GUI into Postman Body, it doesn’t work.
Anyone has tried that already ?
Body looks like this:
“properties”: {
“disabled”: false
“value_raw”: "[{‘cmdline’: '/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_http -H host.de -p '\n '8080 -u '\n 'https://host.de/index.html '\n ‘-t 5 -c 4 -w 3’,\n ‘description’: 'HTTPS '\n ‘’},\n {‘cmdline’: ‘test’, ‘description’: ‘test’}],
“conditions”: {}

By the way, all the \n are always created by the GUI export, so not sure if I need them or not…

Clearly it was too late yesterday when I posted…so I didn’t see the missing closing quote, This actually works with the content copied from GUI export function. Still I am not able to format multiple entries in an automated way to PUT into there. The \n seem difficult to e.g. put in a prepared file…but I will try again…