Applying summary dashboard to all hosts

Hi @mgillespie1981,
this is indeed not possible right now. Currently, only the hostname may passed-through as a context. Anyway, a solution could look like this:

  • I am (or: We are) aiming more on making it possible to have one dashboard for Linux/Windows/etc. This requires at the moment to be able to choose one metric or another. E.g. “cpu_load” or “processor_queue”. This would allow us to create views or time-series-graphs applying to different systems.
  • The ability to pass-through an arbitrary amount of object (host or service) properties to a next view or dashboard would actually be a very nice feature! From my perspective, this stands next to the above rather than excluding.

I would really like to have these two features (as it would make our life developing Checkmk). Unfortunately it’s not about my personal wishes, either. We have to balance this with a lot of other (very useful!) feature requests and ideas.

As a conclusion: We want it, too! It depends on several parameters, when these feature will be available.

PS: Until then, you could modify your dashboard to display OS agnostic data and add further “deep dive” dashboards to investigate specific services further. If you use the windows dashboard (Single Windows host), you need to change 4-5 elements to make it work on Windows and Linux. It’s not ideal, but a start.
PPS: We will add nothing on the (already released) 2.2.0
PPPS: Please be indulgent to us, as we will most likely not be able to tackle that on the upcoming 2.3.0

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