Apt update checker - auto install apt upgrade?


So I’ve successfully implemented apt update checks, however I’m yet to discover how/if the check can auto initiate an “apt upgrade -y” so it triggers automatically from alert.

Relatively new to CMK, so would be grateful for any suggestions/advice?


In theory, it can, however, I would advise against doing so:

It might be a better way to just run a cronjob for apt update && apt -y upgrade plus automatically restart some services and monitor the presence of /var/run/reboot-required.

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Either that or setup Ubuntu to automatically fetch updates and install them.

For example, see How to Enable Automatic Updates on Ubuntu 22.04 on how to configure that.

Relevant are the two files


The first configures the behaviour, the second turns the feature on or off.

I created the file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/51unattended-upgrades-by-me (this is the recommended way over modifying 50unattended-upgrades directly) with the following content:

// This section is copied from 50unattendend-updates
// with the line "...-updates" activated.
Unattended-Upgrade::Allowed-Origins {
//      "${distro_id}:${distro_codename}-proposed";
//      "${distro_id}:${distro_codename}-backports";

Unattended-Upgrade::Remove-Unused-Kernel-Packages "true";
Unattended-Upgrade::Remove-Unused-Dependencies "true";
Unattended-Upgrade::Automatic-Reboot "true";
Unattended-Upgrade::Automatic-Reboot-Time "01:45";
Unattended-Upgrade::Mail "my-email@address.de";

The section Unattended-Upgrade::Allowed-Origins is taken from the original (50) file because by default only security updates are done automatically but I wanted all updates to happen automatically.

With this setup Ubuntu will automatically update itself and reboot at night (if neccesary).

See also this README for more explanation.

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Personal opinion on this matter ( next to the responses already given before me)

Beware that updating packages on boxes just by a/the single trigger that updates are available is imho bad practice.
Making a monitoring-product (which does a superb job imho) act like a deployment system is using it for a purpose it is not intended to perform.

Sometimes updates will introduce new issues, or break configurations which can act up.
Therefore the best practice is to always verify functionality on a single box (of each Linux type) manually.
When its proven it will not break you can (auto-)deploy the rest.

Directly scheduling auto-updates/upgrades via any method ( cron / triggered by a monitoring-system) without review is just opening Pandora’s box, as you no longer are in control.

In essence my setup in CMK only monitors needed/available updates.
As i run multiple servers i want to be in control when updates are run, therefore i,in my case use Ansible.

I test one box (per distro-type / package-handler) by updating/upgrading manually, verify functionality and then update the rest via Ansible.

  • Glowsome

@Glowsome I completely agree with you. My suggestion for automatic updates was only intended for single computers and not for a productive environment with dozens or even thousands of machines. I wouldn’t dare to do that either.

It can be sensible to automatically install only security updates. But other than that I entirely agree with all of you. :v:

Thanks everyone for your replies and apologies for the long gap in responding :slight_smile:

I’ll be honest, I agree with the comments and I wouldn’t normally advocate auto installation of any updates. I think my aim was to target the most vulnerable VM’s, i.e. the externally facing ones where security updates are released at a time where ZeroDay vulns have been identified and therefore there could be a timeframe between release and manual update that leaves the VM/OS vulnerable. I did look at the unattended upgrades, but I’m a big fan of automation and thought perhaps, in that scenario CMK identifies a security update, and remediates automatically based on certain paramaters.

However, your feedback has made me step back from that idea so a big thanks to all who have replied.