Automatic Upgrade of Linux Client / rpm vs. alien


cmk-version: 2.3.0p7 ee

I’d like to get automatic upgrades working on my linux server. Agent bakery works fine for windows. Packages for linux are created as *.rpm only. .deb are “not available”.

Therefore I have downloaded the rpm for my server. Installation via rpm fail / was only possible via alien.

The autoupdates does not for, as installation via rpm is not possible. Does anyone has an idea?

root@server1:# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
Release: 20.04
Codename: focal

root@server1:# /usr/bin/cmk-update-agent -v
Updated the certificate store “/var/lib/check_mk_agent/cas/all_certs.pem” with 1 certificate(s)

| |
| Checkmk Agent Updater v2.3.0-2024.06.10 - Update |
| |
Getting target agent configuration for host ‘server1’ from deployment server
Target state (from deployment server):
Agent available: True
Signatures: 1
Target hash: hash123
Downloaded agent has size 18234309 bytes.
Signature check OK.
Invoking package manager: rpm -vU --oldpackage --replacepkgs /tmp/check-mk-agent-id_pucdp
Output from rpm:
rpm: RPM should not be used directly install RPM packages, use Alien instead!
rpm: However assuming you know what you are doing…
error: Failed dependencies:
/bin/sh is needed by check-mk-agent-2.3.0p7-hash123.noarch

Failed installing Checkmk agent: Error during installation of package.
Hint: You can try to install or analyze the agent package manually by downloading it from the checkmk server. You can find it by looking for your OS’s package for host server1 with agent hash hash123 at the Agent Bakery.
Error during installation of package


The bakery will also create .deb packages. There may be configuration in your site that tells the bakery to only produce RPMs.

Have a look at the ruleset “Agent bakery packages”.



the hint to “Agent bakery packages” did the trick:

  • rpm disabled
  • deb enabled
  • deb downloaded + installed via dpkg -i
  • cmk-update-agent -v works like a charm and does install via dpkg

Thank you!
