Azure integration is showing [piggyback] missing data warnings

I am trying to implement Azure integration in check mk enterprise version 2.1.0p16.cee but couldn’t get anything in the service discovery. I have used find_piggy_orphans script but couldn’t see any resources that are in the Azure. I did follow the documentation but couldn’t find enough troubleshooting.

If you followed the documentation, you should one dummy host the Azure special agent.
Is the check_mk service working there without error message?
You can have a look at this host on the command line with

cmk -D dummy_host_name

Hi @andreas-doehler
I didn’t get Azure special agent. Check_MK service says [piggyback] Missing data warning.
Here is the output of the host with
cmk -D mc-azure

I don’t know how to get the piggyback data of Azure resources.

Agent Mode = No Agent. This is the reason.
You need to select API integration in the host properties and try if it works.

@chauhan_sudhir Thanks. It works now. I don’t know why the documentation has No API integration or No check mk agent.
But one last thing, I am still getting the Check_Mk warning with " [special_azure] Success, [piggyback] Missing dataWARN "

Where do find this?
I see the following: Monitoring Microsoft Azure

Can you share the host properties of this host and also is it receinving piggyback data from any other host ?

I followed the same documentation where the host properties have No API integration or No check mk agent.

I have made it simple in host properties as you can see.

I think there is some misunderstanding here.
For the main host " mc-azure" , Agent Mode should be equal to API integration and IP = No IP. This is the first step.
Now, if you want to create piggyback hosts/data (which will be Azure VM’s, resource groups and other resources etc.) from this host “mc-azure” then the host properites of the piggyback should be like this:
IP = No IP
Agent Mode = No API integration + No agent
Piggyback = Use piggyback data from other hosts if present (There is also an option Always…)

@chauhan_sudhir Thank you for explaining and clarifying all these.

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