Azure webapp monitoring

I need to monitor the storage size/free usage on a Azure WebApp.
Checks like CPU time/usage and uptime and running status are active and OK.

  • Missing check is storage.
    Is there any way i can manually add this check?
    Is there a script specifically for the storage to read out the data?
    Should it be present on default when reading the WebApp?

Thank you in advance,

Kind regards,
Tiara Neslo

Hello Tiara,

Storage Accounts at least should be shown already in the old 2.1 version. But when checking 2.2 Documentation for Azure, I see, many things seam to have improved since 2.1. Maybe the missing things are shown there?
For Checkmk, if some checks are missing, I would always first go to the current version, before starting to develop something. There is the change that it was added, and if not, nothing lost since updates needed anyway eventually.

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