Bamboo agent capability check

Ahoi! I’m a beginner in checkmk and wanted to monitor agent capabilities for Atlassian’s Bamboo server.

I’m unable to find an existing check so I wanted to ask here if anybody is aware of such a check.
If not, I’m likely to write my own. I’m so new to this, that I’d like to extend this question by asking where I should start learning/writing such a check? I’m inexperienced in the terminology: would this then be a active check? A passive check?

Well, so far so confusing, looking forward to your input :slight_smile:


I’m not familiar with Bamboo, so I don’t know all the specifics for it. But assuming you are running Bamboo yourself on a VM you have access to, then you probably have a CheckMK agent running on the VM already.

If so, then the easiest way to get started is adding a Local Check to the agent.

Check out the docs on how to create your own local check:

Ahoi! Thank you for the pointer. Looks like I need to go in that direction :slight_smile: