Bandwidth perf-o-meters not showing percentage after upgrade

You are right there was a change between these versions.
If i look at the old code and the new one i cannot see why it is not working now without further investigation.

Old Code

def perfometer_bandwidth(in_traffic, out_traffic, in_bw, out_bw, unit = "B"):
    txt = []
    have_bw = True
    h = '<table><tr>'
    traffic_multiplier = unit == "B" and 1 or 8
    for name, bytes, bw, color in [
          ("in",  in_traffic,  in_bw,  "#0e6"),
          ("out", out_traffic, out_bw, "#2af") ]:
        if bw > 0.0:
            rrate = bytes / bw
            have_bw = False
        drate = max(0.02, rrate ** 0.5 ** 0.5)
        rperc = 100 * rrate
        dperc = 100 * drate
        a = perfometer_td(dperc / 2, color)
        b = perfometer_td(50 - dperc/2, "#fff")
        if name == "in":
            h += b + a # white left, color right
            h += a + b # color right, white left
        txt.append("%.1f%%" % rperc)
    if have_bw:
        h += '</tr></table>'
        return " &nbsp; ".join(txt), h

    # make logarithmic perf-o-meter
    MB = 1000000.0
    text = "%s/s&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;%s/s" % (
        number_human_readable(in_traffic * traffic_multiplier, 1, unit), number_human_readable(out_traffic * traffic_multiplier, 1, unit))

    return text, perfometer_logarithmic_dual(
                 in_traffic, "#0e6", out_traffic, "#2af", 1000000, 5)

def perfometer_check_mk_if(row, check_command, perf_data):
    unit =  "Bit/s" in row["service_plugin_output"] and "Bit" or "B"
    return perfometer_bandwidth(
        in_traffic  = savefloat(perf_data[0][1]),
        out_traffic = savefloat(perf_data[5][1]),
        in_bw     = savefloat(perf_data[0][6]),
        out_bw    = savefloat(perf_data[5][6]),
        unit      = unit

New Code

def perfometer_bandwidth(in_traffic, out_traffic, in_bw, out_bw, unit = "B"):
    traffic_multiplier = 1 if (unit == "B") else 8

    # if we do not have bandwith make logarithmic perf-o-meter
    if in_bw <= 0.0 or out_bw <= 0.0:
        MB = 1000000.0
        readable_in = number_human_readable(in_traffic * traffic_multiplier, 1, unit)
        readable_out = number_human_readable(out_traffic * traffic_multiplier, 1, unit)
        text = "%s/s&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;%s/s" % (readable_in, readable_out)
        return text, perfometer_logarithmic_dual(in_traffic, "#0e6", out_traffic, "#2af", MB, 5)
    # if we have bandwidth
        txt, data = [], []
        for name, bytes, bw, color in [("in",  in_traffic,  in_bw,  "#0e6"),
                                       ("out", out_traffic, out_bw, "#2af")]:
            rrate = bytes / bw
            drate = max(0.02, rrate ** 0.5 ** 0.5)
            rperc = 100 * rrate
            dperc = 100 * drate
            a = (dperc/2, color)
            b = (50 - dperc/2, "#fff")

            txt.append("%.1f%%" % rperc)
            if name == "in":
                data.extend([b, a]) # white left, color right
                data.extend([a, b]) # color right, white left
        return " &nbsp; ".join(txt), render_perfometer(data)

def perfometer_check_mk_if(row, check_command, perf_data):
    unit = "Bit" if  "Bit/s" in row["service_plugin_output"] else "B"
    return perfometer_bandwidth(
        in_traffic  = savefloat(perf_data[0][1]),
        out_traffic = savefloat(perf_data[5][1]),
        in_bw     = savefloat(perf_data[0][6]),
        out_bw    = savefloat(perf_data[5][6]),
        unit      = unit