Beginner, monitor server, agent [Errno 111] Connection refused

I am connected to my server, which runs debian, from windows through putty.
Check_mk is running, I downloaded the agent (Linux/Dab, see screenshot), installed it and getting few errors while running it.
Few screenshots:

For the agent I only setup the name and IPv4 and entered the server ip. Maybe here is the mistake.
Thank you.

firewall and or se-linux off?
You have seen the tutorials and docs on the homepage?

systemctl status firewalld.service
->Could not found.
I was using the official Video from YouTube. Going through gocs now.

Did you check if agent is configured in xinetd or systemd to communicate over port 6556?
Looks like, that this missed.

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Please read the gdebi output completely:
Need to be root to install packages


I am sorry.
Thanks you @r.sander