Best way to monitor mariadb/postgres in a docker container?

Hey, I set up the mk_mysql plugins for all hosts that have mariadb installed.
Because we got some applications with databases in docker (like bookstack or netbox), I was unsure if its the best way to monitor them with mk_mysql or from the host.
With mysql its not a real problem, I just copy the mk_mysql script, add host, user & password to /etc/check_mk/mysql.cfg. Then the checks get added to my host:

But with its a little different. I added PGDATABASE, PGPORT & PGVERSION to /etc/check_mk/main.env and the line ( hostname:port:database:username:password) to main.pgpass, with the ipv4 of the docker container. Like described on
But now I get those checks with 2 Crit, which makes sence because there is no psql process on the docker host, so I disabled those 2 services:

My question: Whats the best way to monitor a DB inside a docker container? Since mysql works just fine, should i just not monitor postgresql at all? Or am I doing sth wrong?


Use robotmk to check if the db delivers results as expected.
You need a webinterface for these checks.