Bgp_peer plugin not working in checkmk 2.0.0p1


I’ve installed the bgp_peer plugin in checkmk2.0.0p1 but got the following errors:
cmk --debug --checks bgp_peer router.REDACTED.lan

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/omd/sites/REDACTED/lib/python3/cmk/base/”, line 1986, in _extract_agent_and_snmp_sections
File “/omd/sites/REDACTED/lib/python3/cmk/base/api/agent_based/register/section_plugins_legacy/”, line 235, in create_snmp_section_plugin_from_legacy
detect_spec = create_detect_spec(
File “/omd/sites/REDACTED/lib/python3/cmk/base/api/agent_based/register/section_plugins_legacy/”, line 397, in create_detect_spec
File “/omd/sites/REDACTED/lib/python3/cmk/base/api/agent_based/register/section_plugins_legacy/”, line 373, in _compute_detect_spec
return _ast_convert_dispatcher(expression_ast)
File “/omd/sites/REDACTED/lib/python3/cmk/base/api/agent_based/register/section_plugins_legacy/”, line 323, in _ast_convert_dispatcher
return _ast_convert_compare(arg)
File “/omd/sites/REDACTED/lib/python3/cmk/base/api/agent_based/register/section_plugins_legacy/”, line 220, in _ast_convert_compare
assert isinstance(comp_ast.left, ast.Call)

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/omd/sites/REDACTED/bin/cmk”, line 79, in
errors = config.load_all_agent_based_plugins(check_api.get_check_api_context)
File “/omd/sites/REDACTED/lib/python3/cmk/base/”, line 1415, in load_all_agent_based_plugins
errors.extend(load_checks(get_check_api_context, filelist))
File “/omd/sites/REDACTED/lib/python3/cmk/base/”, line 1563, in load_checks
errors = (_extract_agent_and_snmp_sections(validate_creation_kwargs=did_compile) +
File “/omd/sites/REDACTED/lib/python3/cmk/base/”, line 2005, in _extract_agent_and_snmp_sections
raise MKGeneralException(exc) from exc

This looks like the same error here: Check_mk-interfaces no perfdata

The output of cmk -R:
Failed to auto-migrate legacy plugin to section: bgp_peer
Please refer to Werk 10601 for more information.
Generating configuration for core (type nagios)…Precompiling host checks…OK
Validating Nagios configuration…OK
Restarting monitoring core…OK

I’ve looked into Werk 10601, but could not find a solution.

I would love to get this plugin working, but I don’t know where to start.

Is this a own installed plugin?
If yes - from where do you get the mkp file?


Thank you for replying.
It’s the Bgp-peer plug-in

I have the same error.

A colleague from myself (@thl-cmk) made a 2.0 version of this plugin.
You can find it here.

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@andreas-doehler Hi!, thanks for sharing this solution!
We have switched to CheckMK2.0 recently but unfortunately, the provided link doesn’t work any longer…
Would it be possible to enable it again?

The link should work again in 1 or 2 weeks. My colleague who owns this server is currently on a longer vacation until start of September. I don’t know what is the issue with his server.

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I will check the link again in September :slight_smile:

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