BUG: Appliance - Site Update --> 'asci' codec cant't decode byte 0xc3 in position 1867: ordinal not in range(128)

Hi @Pablo78-JCC,

bitte prüf mal ob du folgendes Zeichen in deiner Site Konfiguration hast.

Falls ja bitte entfernen. Dann sollte auch die Fehlermeldung verschwinden.
Wann kommt immer die Fehlermeldung? Bei welcher View / Einstellung?

Was ich auf stackoverflow dazu finden konnte war folgendes:

You have a non-ascii character in the table name.

Strict ASCII only has characters up to 128 (0x80). Smart programmers realized that they had another 128 possible values in the 1 byte of memory allocated to a character, so they created EXTENDED ASCII. But everyone had a different idea as to what should be there which lead to CODEPAGES to describe your EXTENDED ASCII scheme. This has all been replaced by UNICODE which allows every possible character from all real and imagined languages to have their own unique byte value. How that is in encoded is the subject of various specs such as UFT-8, UTF-16 & ISO-8859-1.

Solution: Remove the offending character from the table name and life is good.

Ich hoffe damit kannst du das Problem lösen.

Freundliche Grüße