[BUG] cannot see scale in graph


When i use a time metric, and when it express in ms, we cannot see the scale of the graph

Check_MK version : 2.1.0p29


Have you tried another version? I use 2.1.0p38 and the milliseconds are shown as ms. As far as I remember, this was always the case. I beleive I’ve never seen something like “milliseconds” or “seconds” in the graphs.

I think his graph is a self defined graph with a self defined metric.
@belese please show your graph and metric definition, then it is possible to suggest a quick fix

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thank you for your quick responses.
Indeed, it’s a custom metric.
Here is its definition:

from cmk.base.plugins.agent_based.agent_based_api.v1.render import timespan

def timespanmillis(value) :
    return timespan(float(value)/1000.0)

unit_info["timespanmillis"] = {
    "title": "Time span (ms)",
    "symbol": None,
    "render": timespanmillis,
    "js_render": "v => cmk.number_format.fmt_number_with_precision(v, 1000, 2, true)",
    "stepping": "integer",  # for vertical graph labels
    "valuespec": Integer,

As i understand, i should not used that timespan helper