BUG?: Wrong graph units with new interface check

Hi @tosch,

thanks for your reply.

I guess this is a behavior related to how the value is reported via SNMP. If you check the raw data (agent output directly or in the service view row Service performance data ) I assume your firewall is returning the values in bytes and therefor you have the exponential axis in your graphs.

You might be right, but the values were correctly displayed before I updated to 2.0.0. So I think SMNP issues could be ruled out? Unfortunately I was not able to find an option to change the units. I checked other firewall hosts, and they are showing the same strange behavior…
The raw SNMP shows the values returned in Bit. The same as prior to the update.

At the switch it my be kB or MB returned by SNMP which causes the graph to show other ranges the fit the values.

I deleted the Switch host and added it again. And this seemed to fix the problem. I’ve tried the same procedure for the firewalls, but with no effect.
