Call for a Speaker on September Community Call!

Hello Community!

As some of you know, for this September Call we were going to have a Knowledge Team expert to tell us about Documentation and answer some questions. However, due to the expert being extremely busy improving knowledge about Checkmk for its users, we had to postpone this topic till October.

Which brings me to the main point of this message: let us have a community-led call this time!
I believe this is a great opportunity to hear what stories the community members have to tell: maybe you have a great use-case that is very specific (or which is a lot of fun!), or maybe you found out a great way of configuring Checkmk that you would like to share, or maybe you want to start and lead a discussion on certain question – you could have the stage on this Community Call! (and some cool Checkmk merch :slight_smile: )

If you have an idea you’d like to present, please, leave a comment to this post or contact me in personal messages to discuss it. It would be very interesting to hear more diverse ideas from you all.

Looking forward to hearing your suggestions,

UPD: it is ok if we do not find a speaker from the community for this one – we have many exciting topics :blush:. But I will come back with this community-led suggestion for one of the next months, so if you had an idea but felt a little shy/ unsure/ busy this month – please do contact me anyway!