Change HW/SW inventory columns order

Hello everyone,

The TableRow data in inventory HW/SW is automatically sorted in alphabetical order, and I haven’t discovered a method to modify this. I’ve noticed that other inventory plugins have successfully altered the sorting from alphabetical to custom. However, when I examine the code, I’m unable to comprehend how this is accomplished.

Could anyone guide me on how to achieve this? Any help or pointers towards relevant documentation would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Best regards


in the HW/SW Inventory system we have to deal with two tasks:

  • Adding (unsorted) data, ie. Attributes or TableRow, via inventory plug-ins
  • Specify order and representation of this data via so called display hints

Unfortunatelly we don’t have docs about the second part but I try to explain it with an example:

We add data in our inventory plug-in:

def inventory(...):
    yield Attributes(
        path=["path", "to", "node1"],
            "key_1": "value 1",
            "key_2": "value 2",
    for entry in a_list:
        yield TableRow(
            path=["path", "to", "node2"],
            # key columns are used to identify a row
                "key_col_1": "value 1",
                "key_col_2": "value 2",
                "key_3": "value 3",
                "key_4": "value 4",

Then we can specify the representation of this data:

# OMD[<SITE>]:~/local/share/check_mk/web/plugins/views$ ll
from cmk.gui.views.inventory.registry import inventory_displayhints

    # For attributes
    "": {
        "title": "Node 1",
        "keyorder": ["key_2", "key_1"],
    "": {
        "title": "Key 1",
    "": {
        "title": "Key 2",
    # For table rows
    "": {
        "title": "Node 2",
        "keyorder": ["key_col_2", "key_col_1", "key_4", "key_3"],
    "*.key_col_1": {
        "title": "Key column 1",
    "*.key_col_2": {
        "title": "Key column 2",
    "*.key_3": {
        "title": "Key 3",
    "*.key_4": {
        "title": "Key 4",
  • If a path ends with a . (dot) then it’s a node
    • If a related path ends with a name and then it’s an attribute
  • If a path ends with a : (colon) then it’s a table
    • If a related path ends with *. + a name and then it’s a column
  • The keyorder specifies the order of the columns

The path specs are not very readable or obvious :frowning:

There are also other fields which can be specified, see

OMD[<SITE>]:~/lib/check_mk/gui/views/inventory$  ll

We may add an API for the second part in the future which will be documentated as we do with other APIs like the agent-based or graphing.

I hope this helps you.

Feel free to ask further questions.



@si-23 thank you so much