Check_icmp: Failed to obtain ICMP socket: Operation not permitted Synology Docker


I am running Checkmk Raw Edition 2.1.0p21 in a Synology docker and I am getting the error below for all of my monitored devices.

check_icmp: Failed to obtain ICMP socket: Operation not permitted

How can make this work?

Please advise.

Thank you

Same error here with V2.2.0p17 also in a Synology docker.
All hosts are displayed as down due to this error though all tests (Ping, SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, SNMPv2C (without Bulkwalk), SNMPv3, Traceroute) are green!
I read older solutions which set file permissions. This does not work for me because of checkmk running in a docker container.