Check jboss own plugin crashed with message Exception: IndexError (list index out of range)

I upgraded check_mk from 1.6.p24 to 2.0.0p6. One of our own plugins check_jboss6 crash with message: Exception: IndexError (list index out of range)
Crash-ID: ae16745a-ed14-11eb-8fcb-0050569f9548
The same plugin is working fine with 1.6.p24 version. Please assist. Please find below the check plugin and the agent output:



factory_settings[“check_jboss6_default_levels”] = {
“availconn”: (80.0, 95.0), # percentage connections in use


Inventory function


def inventory_jboss6 (info):
inventory = []
for line in info:
instance = line[0]
port = line[1]
app = line[2]
ds = line[2]
stat = line[2]
metric = line[3]
queue = line[3]
if ‘serverState’ in stat:
my_inventory = instance + ’ serverState’
inventory.append( (my_inventory, None) )
if ‘httpConnectorStat’ in stat:
my_inventory = instance + ’ httpConnector’
inventory.append( (my_inventory, None) )
if ‘ajpConnectorStat’ in stat:
my_inventory = instance + ’ ajpConnector’
inventory.append( (my_inventory, None) )
if ‘activeSessions’ in metric:
my_inventory = instance + ’ Sessions ’ + app
inventory.append( (my_inventory, None) )
if ‘eJB’ in metric:
my_inventory = instance + ’ EnterpriseJavaBean ’ + app
inventory.append( (my_inventory, None) )
if ‘DataSource’ in metric:
my_inventory = instance + ’ DataSource ’ + ds
inventory.append( (my_inventory, None) )
if ‘JMS’ in stat:
my_inventory = instance + ’ JMS ’ + queue
inventory.append( (my_inventory, None) )
return inventory


Check function


def check_jboss6 (item, params, info):

for line in info:
instance = line[0]
port = line[1]
app = line[2]
ds = line[2]
stat = line[2]
metric = line[3]
queue = line[3]

  rc = 0
  if 'serverState' in item and instance in item:
     if not 'running' in metric:
        return (1, metric)
        return (0, metric)

  if 'EnterpriseJavaBean' in item and  metric == 'eJB' and instance in item:
     rc = 0
     peakConcurrentInvocations = int(line[4])
     waitTimewaitTime          = int(line[5])
     executionTime             = int(line[6])
     invocations               = int(line[7])
     message = str(peakConcurrentInvocations) + " peakConcurrentInvocations, " + \
            str(waitTimewaitTime)             + " waitTimewaitTime, " + \
            str(executionTime)                + " executionTime, " + \
            str(invocations)                  + " invocations"
     return (rc, message, [
        ( "peakConcurrentInvocations", peakConcurrentInvocations ),
        ( "waitTimewaitTime",          waitTimewaitTime ),
        ( "executionTime",             executionTime ),
        ( "invocations",               invocations ),

  elif 'Sessions' in item and metric == 'activeSessions' and app in item and instance in item:
     activeSessions    = int(line[4])
     maxActiveSessions = int(line[5])
     expiredSessions   = int(line[6])
     rejectedSessions  = int(line[7])

     message = str(activeSessions) + " activeSessions, " + \
            str(maxActiveSessions) + " maxActiveSessions, " + \
            str(expiredSessions)   + " expiredSessions, " + \
            str(rejectedSessions)  + " rejectedSessions"
     return (rc, message, [
        ( "activeSessions",    activeSessions ),
        ( "maxActiveSessions", maxActiveSessions ),
        ( "expiredSessions",   expiredSessions ),
        ( "rejectedSessions",  rejectedSessions ),

  elif 'DataSource' in item and metric == 'DataSourceStats' and ds in item and instance in item:
     ActiveCount          = int(line[4])
     AvailableCount       = int(line[5])
     AverageBlockingTime  = int(line[6])
     AverageCreationTime  = int(line[7])
     CreatedCount         = int(line[8])
     DestroyedCount       = int(line[9])
     InUseCount           = int(line[10])
     MaxCreationTime      = int(line[11])
     MaxUsedCount         = int(line[12])
     MaxWaitCount         = int(line[13])
     MaxWaitTime          = int(line[14])
     TimedOut             = int(line[15])
     TotalBlockingTime    = int(line[16])
     TotalCreationTime    = int(line[17])

     ds_thresh = params.get("availconn")

     if ds_thresh == None: # no levels
         warn, crit = 80.0, 95.0
         warn, crit = ds_thresh

     inUsePercent = 1;
     alertMessage =  ''
     if AvailableCount == 0 and InUseCount == 0:
        rc = 0
     elif AvailableCount == 0 and InUseCount > 0:
        rc = 2
        alertMessage = ' (Alert for no available datasource connections)'
        rc = 0

     if TimedOut == 999:
        rc = 2
        lertMessage = ' (Alert for unavailable datasource)'

     message = "ActiveCount: " + str(ActiveCount) + \
               " AvailableCount: " + str(AvailableCount) + \
               " AverageBlockingTime: " + str(AverageBlockingTime) + \
               " AverageCreationTime: " + str(AverageCreationTime) + \
               " CreatedCount: " + str(CreatedCount) + \
               " DestroyedCount: " + str(DestroyedCount) + \
               " InUseCount: " + str(InUseCount) + \
               " MaxCreationTime: " + str(MaxCreationTime) + \
               " MaxUsedCount: " + str(MaxUsedCount) + \
               " TimedOut: " + str(TimedOut) + \
               " TotalBlockingTime: " + str(TotalBlockingTime) + \
               " TotalCreationTime: " + str(TotalCreationTime) + \
               " " + alertMessage
     return (rc, message, [
        ( "ActiveCount",          ActiveCount ),
        ( "AvailableCount",       AvailableCount ),
        ( "AverageBlockingTime",  AverageBlockingTime ),
        ( "AverageCreationTime",  AverageCreationTime ),
        ( "CreatedCount",         CreatedCount ),
        ( "DestroyedCount",       DestroyedCount ),
        ( "InUseCount",           InUseCount ),
        ( "MaxCreationTime",      MaxCreationTime ),
        ( "MaxUsedCount",         MaxUsedCount ),
        ( "TimedOut",             TimedOut ),
        ( "TotalBlockingTime",    TotalBlockingTime ),
        ( "TotalCreationTime",    TotalCreationTime ),

  elif 'httpConnector' in item and stat == 'httpConnectorStat' and instance in item:
     BytesReceived    = int(line[3])
     BytesSent        = int(line[4])
     message = str(BytesReceived) + " BytesReceived, " + \
         str(BytesSent) + " BytesSent"
     return (rc, message, [
        ( "BytesReceived", BytesReceived ),
        ( "BytesSent", BytesSent ),

  elif 'ajpConnector' in item and stat == 'ajpConnectorStat' and instance in item:
     BytesReceived    = int(line[3])
     BytesSent        = int(line[4])
     message = str(BytesReceived) + " BytesReceived, " + \
         str(BytesSent) + " BytesSent"
     return (rc, message, [
        ( "BytesReceived", BytesReceived ),
        ( "BytesSent", BytesSent ),

  elif 'JMS' in item and 'DLQ' in item:
     dlq_messageCount  = int(line[5])
     consumerCount     = int(line[6])
     messagesAdded     = int(line[7])
     scheduledCount    = int(line[8])
     message = str(dlq_messageCount) + " Messages in DLQ"
     if dlq_messageCount > 0:
        rc = 1
        rc = 0
     return (rc, message, [
           ( "DLQ Message Count", dlq_messageCount ),
           ( "Consumer Count", consumerCount ),
           ( "Messages Added", messagesAdded ),
           ( "Scheduled Count", scheduledCount ),

  elif 'JMS' in item and 'ExpiryQueue' in item:
     ExpiryQueue_messageCount    = int(line[5])
     consumerCount               = int(line[6])
     messagesAdded               = int(line[7])
     scheduledCount              = int(line[8])
     message = str(ExpiryQueue_messageCount) + " Messages in Queue"
     if ExpiryQueue_messageCount > 0:
        rc = 1
        rc = 0
     return (rc, message, [
           ( "ExpiryQueue Message Count", ExpiryQueue_messageCount ),
           ( "Consumer Count", consumerCount ),
           ( "Messages Added", messagesAdded ),
           ( "Scheduled Count", scheduledCount ),


Check parameters


check_info[“check_jboss6”] = {
‘check_function’ : check_jboss6,
‘inventory_function’ : inventory_jboss6,
‘service_description’ : “JVM %s”,
‘has_perfdata’ : True,
‘group’ : ‘check_jboss6’,
‘default_levels_variable’ : 'check


jboss 8080 serverState running
jboss 8080 JMS ExpiryQueue message-count 0 0 0 0
jboss 8080 JMS DLQ message-count 0 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-bhrg-v2-ear.ear/wus/isbhrg-v2.0 activeSessions -1 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-bhrg-v2-ear.ear/BhrgLogicBean eJB 0 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-gar-ear.ear/wus/isgar-v1.0 activeSessions -1 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-gar-ear.ear/GarLogicBean eJB 0 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-bhrg-v2-validation-ear.ear/validation/bhrg-v2.0 activeSessions -1 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-bhrg-v2-validation-ear.ear/BhrgValidationBean eJB 0 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-gar-validation-ear.ear/validation/gar activeSessions -1 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-gar-validation-ear.ear/GarValidationBean eJB 0 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-bhrgt-v1-ear.ear/wus/isbhrgt-v1.0 activeSessions -1 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-bhrgt-v1-ear.ear/BhrGtLogicBean eJB 0 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-gld-ear.ear/wus/isgld-v1.0 activeSessions -1 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-gld-ear.ear/GldLogicBean eJB 0 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-bhrgt-v1-validation-ear.ear/validation/bhrgt activeSessions -1 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-bhrgt-v1-validation-ear.ear/BhrGtValidationBean eJB 0 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-gld-validation-ear.ear/validation/gld activeSessions -1 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-gld-validation-ear.ear/GldValidationBean eJB 0 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-bhrgt-v2-1-ear.ear/wus/isbhrgt-v2.1 activeSessions -1 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-bhrgt-v2-1-ear.ear/BhrGtLogicBean eJB 0 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-gmn-ear.ear/wus/isgmn-v1.0 activeSessions -1 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-gmn-ear.ear/GmnLogicBean eJB 0 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-bhrgt-v2-1-validation-ear.ear/validation/bhrgt-v2.1 activeSessions -1 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-bhrgt-v2-1-validation-ear.ear/BhrGtValidationBean eJB 0 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-gmn-validation-ear.ear/validation/gmn activeSessions -1 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-gmn-validation-ear.ear/GmnValidationBean eJB 0 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-bhrp-v2-ear.ear/wus/isbhrp-v2.0 activeSessions -1 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-bhrp-v2-ear.ear/BhrLogicBean eJB 0 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-gmw-ear.ear/wus/isgmw-v1.1 activeSessions -1 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-gmw-ear.ear/GmwLogicBean eJB 0 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-bhrp-v2-validation-ear.ear/validation/bhrp-v2.0 activeSessions -1 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-bhrp-v2-validation-ear.ear/BhrValidationBean eJB 0 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-gmw-validation-ear.ear/validation/gmw activeSessions -1 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-gmw-validation-ear.ear/GmwValidationBean eJB 0 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-cpt-ear.ear/wus/iscpt-v1.1 activeSessions -1 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-cpt-ear.ear/CptLogicBean eJB 0 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-sfr-v2-ear.ear/wus/issfr-v2.0 activeSessions -1 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-sfr-v2-ear.ear/SfrLogicBean eJB 0 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-cpt-validation-ear.ear/validation/cpt activeSessions -1 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-cpt-validation-ear.ear/CptValidationBean eJB 0 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-sfr-v2-validation-ear.ear/validation/sfr-v2 activeSessions -1 0 0 0
jboss 8080 is-sfr-v2-validation-ear.ear/SfrValidationBean eJB 0 0 0 0
jboss 8080 BroRealmDS DataSourceStats 0 20 0 80 2 2 0 98 1 0 0 2 0 161
jboss 8080 ExampleDS DataSourceStats 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
jboss 8080 BroDS DataSourceStats 0 50 1 79 27 27 0 197 5 0 1 27 4 2134

have you read this post?


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Thanks Karl,
I migrated the plugins to the new style Writing your own check plug-ins
Kind regards,

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