[Check_mk (deutsch)] AWS Instance Limits

Hallo ,

Ich wollte gerade mal beginnen AWS zu überwachen da bin ich auf dieses Limit Thema gestossen.

Ich wollte nur die c5.4xlarge limits anpassen. Scheinbar hat AWS da was geändert.

Running On-Demand c5.4xlarge Instances: 11 (of max. 10), Usage: 110% (warn/crit at 80.0%/90.0%

Das ist die Antwort von AWS:

AWS recently changed the way we calculate and display account limits for your EC2 instances, allowing for greater flexibility in using
your EC2 instances and allowing for faster and more convenient switches within instance types and families. In the past we would have displayed your limits on a per instance type basis (m5.large, m5.xlarge, m5.2xlarge etc) whereas after this switch, we are
displaying limits in a smaller number of overarching buckets, which are based upon the number of vCPUs used by each instance. Since we’ve summarized all of the EC2 limits into this smaller number of buckets, this will allow you to switch between instance types
without the requirement of having each limit increased individually, saving you time and effort. I’ve now increased your “nu.General” bucket limit from 640 to 960 vCPUs which corresponds to the 20 c5.4xlarge you requested. If you’d like to calculate your vCPU
limit in future, please visit the following link: https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/v2/home?region=us-east-1#LimitsCalculator:
- and choose the relevant region in the top right corner of the console. You can then also conveniently request a vCPU based limit increase via
the support centre. If you’d like further information, please see this link for additional details:
I hope this helps!


Wie kann ich denn jetzt den „roten“ Alarm wegbekommen oder muss dafür der Check Umgebaut werden sodass er sauber funktioniert ?



Hallo ,

Ich wollte gerade mal beginnen AWS zu überwachen da bin ich auf dieses Limit Thema gestossen.

Ich wollte nur die c5.4xlarge limits anpassen. Scheinbar hat AWS da was geändert.

Running On-Demand c5.4xlarge Instances: 11 (of max. 10), Usage: 110% (warn/crit at 80.0%/90.0%

Das ist die Antwort von AWS:

AWS recently changed the way we calculate and display account limits for your EC2 instances, allowing for greater flexibility in using
your EC2 instances and allowing for faster and more convenient switches within instance types and families. In the past we would have displayed your limits on a per instance type basis (m5.large, m5.xlarge, m5.2xlarge etc) whereas after this switch, we are
displaying limits in a smaller number of overarching buckets, which are based upon the number of vCPUs used by each instance. Since we’ve summarized all of the EC2 limits into this smaller number of buckets, this will allow you to switch between instance types
without the requirement of having each limit increased individually, saving you time and effort. I’ve now increased your “nu.General” bucket limit from 640 to 960 vCPUs which corresponds to the 20 c5.4xlarge you requested. If you’d like to calculate your vCPU
limit in future, please visit the following link: https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/v2/home?region=us-east-1#LimitsCalculator:
- and choose the relevant region in the top right corner of the console. You can then also conveniently request a vCPU based limit increase via
the support centre. If you’d like further information, please see this link for additional details:
I hope this helps!


Wie kann ich denn jetzt den „roten“ Alarm wegbekommen oder muss dafür der Check Umgebaut werden sodass er sauber funktioniert ?



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