[Check_mk (english)] How to create graphs for local check

I created my own local checks but no graph is created.

They print the performance data according to the web page http://mathias-kettner.com/checkmk_localchecks.html

Local checks - how to write your own checks - Mathias Kettner


  1. The principle of local checks. Local checks are an easy way to write your own checks with Check_MK. You do not need to change or extend Check_MK itself, you just …


How can I add graphs for these local checks?

Why does this web checkMK manual page explain the right output format down to the last detail, including the performance data, and checkMK cannot graph those values? It is a non-ense, isn’t it?

Thanks in advance

Did you have some success here?

The post was from March 2018 :wink:

If you follow the rules here https://checkmk.com/cms_localchecks.html
then it will work.