[Check_mk (english)] Move master to different host and different OS


we are planning to move our distributed monitoring to a different datacenter. In particular the master and one slave. Both will have a different FQDN and a different IP. Currently all instances run on Ubuntu Xenial. We decided to go with Debian this time.
Would this affect the multisite infrastructure, having different OS types? Basically the new master and one slave would be on Debian and the rest will still have Ubuntu until they are moved to Debian as well.
Is it possible to have two masters running simultaneously until? The old master should be master until the new one is production ready. I have to mention that master site will remain as it is, so I will have tow master with the same site name connecting to all slaves.
My plan is to deploy the new master with the current configuration and connect to the slaves.
Is there a better way or a more efficient migration path to accomplish this?



Beste Grüße

Ghassan Elrayah
Mail: ghassan.elrayah@live.de