[Check_mk (english)] mssql backup plugin exception

Hi there,

We’ve also an issue with the mssql backup plugin since 1.6p6 with our 2 node mssql cluster (MSSQL_PROD|config|13.2.5026.0|Standard Edition)

All backup checks run to an exception:



ValueError (dictionary update sequence element #1 has length 8; 2 is required)


File “/omd/sites/ruvbkk/lib/python/cmk_base/checking.py”, line 320, in execute_check

raw_result = check_function(item, determine_check_params(params), section_content)

File “/omd/sites/ruvbkk/lib/python/cmk_base/checking.py”, line 388, in determine_check_params


While the output of the vba script looks correct. (I found multiple entries of “<<<mssql_backup:sep(124)>>>” but I guess this is correct ?



MSSQL_PROD |EmpLocations|2019-11-23|20:15:11|I

MSSQL_PROD |EmpDB|2019-11-24|09:00:27|D

MSSQL_PROD |EmpDB|2019-11-23|20:15:12|I

Any ideas what this could be ?

Kind regards,


[{u'tp_default_value': {u'database_diff': [262800, 349200],

u’log’: [176400, 262800]},

u'tp_values': [[u'Di-Sa', {u'database_diff': [176400, 262800]}]]},

[{u’tp_default_value’: {u’database_diff’: [262800, 349200],

u'log': [176400, 262800]},

u’tp_values’: [[u’Di-Sa’, {u’database_diff’: [176400, 262800]}]]},

{u'database': [None, None],

u’database_diff’: [None, None],

u'file_diff': [None, None],

u’file_or_filegroup’: [None, None],

u'log': [None, None],

u’partial’: [None, None],

u'partial_diff': [None, None],

u’unspecific’: [None, None]}]]