[Check_mk (english)] Notifications Rules - Exception for Service Notifcations and Host Notifications


I am a little lost with the notification rules.

The rules I need are like this:

Setup notification for all hosts and parents if they ever go up/down;

Disable all notifications for services on all hosts with some exceptions: hosts with tags: xxx, or yyy or zzz (either all services status change will notify or specific services with description aaa or bbb will notify).

I used to control this on old version with something like this (in config mk file):

extra_service_conf[‘notifications_enabled’] = [

( “0”, [“xxx”], ALL_HOSTS, [“Daemon-aaa”] ),

( “0”, [“yyy”], ALL_HOSTS, [“Daemon-bbb”] ),
( “1”, [ “zzz” ], ALL_HOSTS, ALL_SERVICES ),

Any help is appreciated!



Thanks for replying.

Yeah, I was able to make “host notification only” based on your suggestion, but for service notification my rule is not working and I am trying to figure out why:

Notification configuration | Global notification rules

Actions Type Plugin Bulk Description Contacts Conditions

(rule #1) mail Notify Services - user1 • all contacts of the notified object • users: user1 1 conditions Match Host Tags: aaa|bbb|ccc (NOT Working)

(rule #2) mail Notify Hosts ONLY • all contacts of the notified object • users: user1 1 conditions Exclude the following services: .* (Working)

As you can see, for rule #2 I am using an “exclude” with RegEx of “.*”, so in this case, only the HOSTS notifications go through.

For rule #1, nothing seems to happen. I have also tried to include the option “Match only the following services” with RedEx “.*”, basically saying is hosts with tags: aaa, bbb, ccc, also notify for SERVICES, but that did not help any. Maybe I am doing this backwards. Something silly I might need to correct here.



Just have a rule for all hosts with Host notification only.

Have a second rule with Host/and Service Notification for your tagged hosts.



On Wednesday, November 6, 2019, 01:48:56 PM EST, Sven Olaf Schuran sos@schuran.it wrote:

Am 06.11.2019 um 19:19 schrieb Rodrigo Amaral via checkmk-en checkmk-en@lists.mathias-kettner.de:


I am a little lost with the notification rules.

The rules I need are like this:

Setup notification for all hosts and parents if they ever go up/down;

Disable all notifications for services on all hosts with some exceptions: hosts with tags: xxx, or yyy or zzz (either all services status change will notify or specific services with description aaa or bbb will notify).

I used to control this on old version with something like this (in config mk file):

extra_service_conf[‘notifications_enabled’] = [

( “0”, [“xxx”], ALL_HOSTS, [“Daemon-aaa”] ),

( “0”, [“yyy”], ALL_HOSTS, [“Daemon-bbb”] ),

( “1”, [ “zzz” ], ALL_HOSTS, ALL_SERVICES ),

Any help is appreciated!


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