[Check_mk (english)] SNMP IF check goes stale

Hi All,

I have a weird problem where an Interface on a device being checked using snmp regularly goes stale. No other checks on the device go stale, including other interface checks all appear to work fine 100% of the time.

I originally thought that maybe for some reason the SNMP data for that interface was not being returned by the device, but have never been able to reproduce this at the command line doing and SNMP walk, the data is always returned.

If I do a manual “reschedule check” from the GUI the check immediately works(everytime without fail) and the stale state is cleared, which would suggest its nothing to do with data not being returned from the agent.

This check can sometimes stay in a stale state for more than 15 minutes!!

Anyone ever seen this sort of behaviour, or know why it might be happening.

CEE 1.5.0p16

