[Check_mk (english)] User rights - suggestions?

Hi all,

I need to make a user role with just a bit less rights then Administrator in CMK, so that (lets call it “powerrole”) those users can add/modify/setup almost all things but not be able to, i.e. delete, uninstall the CMK itself or change CMK’s default settings or other users…

what would be your suggestions which options to remove from “default” Administrator role to get this? I already have idea but would like more opinions.



Mirko Jovanović
Belgrade, Serbia

Hi Mirko
I cloned the role „Normal Monitoring User“ and did exaxtly this :slight_smile:
I named it „ Normal Monitoring User with limited admin rights“
Have a look what can be done within the roles.

Thomas Wittmann


Von meinem iPhone gesendet

Am 08.11.2019 um 09:51 schrieb Mirko Jovanovic <mirko.jovanovic@gmail.com>:

Hi all,

I need to make a user role with just a bit less rights then Administrator in CMK, so that (lets call it "powerrole") those users can add/modify/setup almost all things but not be able to, i.e. delete, uninstall the CMK itself or change CMK's default settings or other users...

what would be your suggestions which options to remove from "default" Administrator role to get this? I already have idea but would like more opinions.

Mirko Jovanović
Belgrade, Serbia
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