Check_MK Event Console - Stopped Working


I am running instance of Check_MK on Centos7 machine.
I have stopped receiving SNMP traps on udp port 162 and 514 on the machine. I was using Enterprise Version 1.6.0p08 and I decided to upgrade to 1.6.0p10 with hope the issue will be solved but without success.

This is the setting in "Global Settings for Event Console:
Receive SNMP traps (UDP/162), Receive Syslog messages (UDP/514), Receive Syslog messages (TCP/514)

And this is the output from command - netstat -tulpn

When I do:
sudo echo “TEST” | ncat [ip] 514 , I send successfully the message but on TCP not on UDP and event is created.

When I do :
sudo echo “TEST” | ncat [ip] 162 , I get a message : Ncat: Connection refused.

Please help me solve my issue, I haven’t changed anything on the config of the device before the problem occured.

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: You can also just type omd config <site> show to output your settings and then change them with omd config <site> set VAR VALUE

  1. Temporarily stop the site: omd stop <site>
  2. omd config <site>
  3. go to Addons and see if mkeventd (three entries in summary) are set to ON
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Thanks a lot! I have tried all these before writing but in the end the problem was with the cloud network - change in the group policy. Thank you for the time!

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