Check_MK Web GUI

Hello forum,

I’ve started my journey with Check_MK in order to provide some monitoring to several devices a friend of mine has.
I installed in a container Check_MK Raw version for testing purposes but i can’t seem to reach the web interface. My Container is inside a proxmox and hosted by Open Media Vault platform.
I’m trying to access my site via http://my_ip/sitename but it doesn’t seem to work.
Doing an omd status, i see all my services running in green.

Can you guys help me a bit? I’m stuck right at the beginning.

Thank you.

If you use a container - how does your setup for the port forwarding looks like?

Well, i used another monitoring system and out of the box i could log it without any issue on the IP of the server.
Do i need to forward some ports?

If you use a docker container yes. Maybe you can reach your site on port 5000.

I added a forward rule that allows input from on port 5000 to be forwarded to my ip, but still no luck.

From your output I would say, your site is running on port 5001.Please have a look at the handbook section about docker for more details about the forwarding etc.

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