Check the status of a Windows service in SNMP


I am monitoring my servers in snmp, I do not want to put an agent.

I would like to monitor a specific windows service but I can’t, do you have a solution?

Example: On a print server, monitor the “spooler” service

Thank you for your help

I still haven’t found any solutions. When I create a Windows Service Discovery rule it doesn’t discover anything for me.
Do you need the agent for it to work?

Thank you for your help

This service discovery only checks for services provided by our Windows agent. You want to read this section in the introduction:

And afterwards this article in the Official Checkmk User Guide:

Thank you so much,

Do you have a solution to monitor a windows service without the agent but in SNMP?

Or is the only way to do it with the agent?

Thank you

Please read the linked articles. Monitoring Windows via SNMP is possible, but not officially recommended – the Checkmk agent probably will be more performant. Anyway: In the articles mentioned, you’ll most likely find everything to set up any SNMP monitoring.

This is relative. CPU and memory usage is nearly not useable.
If you really want to dive into this field, take a look at the lmmib2.mib file for information where you can find the service status information.

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I cannot install an agent on my servers.
So I have to monitor in SNMP.
I read all the checkmk documentation on snmp monitoring but I couldn’t find anything.

Let’s take for example the spooler service, I couldn’t find any way to do it.

Thank you for your help

The SNMP article covers SNMP in general, since we have a more performant agent, it does not need to be Windows specific. In fact, when I was doing the large overhaul of the second article linked, I did this mostly with an SNMP agent on a Linux machine – never mentioning this fact, because our Linux agent is much more performant.

Andreas hinted you on a MIB file that might come handy. And the section deep linked in the first article should answer most questions on how to monitor any SNMP device, for example by configuring this host in a way Checkmk expects no agent output.

Currently I manage to supervise my Windows server in SNMP. I did reassemble it from the ram, disk, cpu, interface…

But impossible to have a particular service

Where is this MIB file located?

This is the description i think
For your problem the “svSvcTable” entry looks promising.

Thank you very much, but how do I monitor a particular OID in checkMk?
Because if I can supervise by OID it is perfect that suits me !

You need to write your own check. I think there are no checks existing for this ancient LanManager MIB.

Sorry I’m new to check mk, can you tell me how to create your own check?
I’m really sorry to ask you for so much help

Then i can only give you the link to the official documentation about writing checks.

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Definitively! Checks can be simple Batch or PowerShell scripts that are executed by the agent. If I were you (Mathis), I’d take this as reason to leave behind “SNMP on Windows” and now move to the agent.

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This is a contradiction in itself as SNMP can also only be queried when the SNMP agent runs on the Windows host.

I will try the agent thank you

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