Checkman formatting - how to do verbatim code?

Hello, I am trying to write plugin with manpage and I need to write verbatim code what to insert into Bind’s named.conf file. It contains curly braces. Specificaly:

statistics-channels { inet port 8080 ; };


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I’m sorry to tell you, but writing manages for checkmk is a mess.

There are two places where you can see them in the GUI: either at the bottom of the service details page or via the “Manual page for this check type” link in a service’s hamburger ☰ menu. And the rendering at these two places is different.

The only “markup” you can use are curly braces {}. In one place text between them is formatted in a monospaced font while in the other place it is formatted bold. I forgot which is which. Writing manpages is just trial and error and nothing is documented.

If your text contains curly braces, there is no way to escape them or something.

I have no idea, why they don’t allow HTML code in manpages. Maybe because you can display checkmk manpages at the shell and that would be difficult to format if it was HTML, but meanwhile that command destroys the terminal anyway and you will have to reset it (try cmk --man cpu_loads, for example).

That is what I afraid of. :frowning:
Thanks for reply! :wink:

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We also had text that contained curly braces {} and for the manpages we simply replaced them with brackets []. Of course that’s wrong but what else could we do?

Maybe we can use trigraphs like in the early days of C. :smile: