Checkmk 2.0, Nagvis and embedded iframe for service graphs

Hi @andreas-doehler / @FJerusalem

What about the PDF export in pnp4nagios? I can only see ‘Export CSV’ and ‘Export JSON’ option now under Export tab. Are they removed PDF export option from CheckMK 2.0 CRE?

Also, I used to download the graph as PDF using below command which is no longer working:

wget -q -O graph.pdf “http://MAINIP/monitor/pnp4nagios/index.php/pdf?host=XX.XX.XX.XX&view=3&_username=report&_password=Repo**&_login=1&srv=HOST

[XX.XX.XX.XX should be the host IP and correct password]

Is there any way we could export the history checks as a PDF doc in newer CheckMK 2.0?

Please advise