CheckMK agent on windows systems stop listening on port 6556

We have issue with windows agents on windows servers - After server reboot Checkmk service is started, process is running but it is not listening on port 6556. If I restart checkmk service it start to work.
Any idea?
Regards, Peter

CMK version:
Checkmk version 2.2.0b6
OS version:

Error message:
[piggyback] Success (but no data found for this host), execution time 0.1 sec
Output of “cmk --debug -vvn hostname”: (If it is a problem with checks or plugins)
[piggyback] Success (but no data found for this host), execution time 0.1 sec | execution_time=0.060 user_time=0.040 system_time=0.020 children_user_time=0.000 children