Checkmk Conference North America

Dear all!

I hope you are enjoying the home stretch of the year without too much pre-holiday craziness. I don’t want to add too much to that, but I do have a (tiny) ask.

As most of you know, we have the Checkmk user conference every year in Munich. With our growing user base in the US and Canada, we are now planning to launch a dedicated ‘Checkmk Conference North America’ to make it easier for users over here to participate.

The conference is planned for June 27, 2024 in Atlanta. The agenda will be a ‘best-of’ the Munich conference, with a mix of speakers from the Munich and the US teams. As with the Munich conference, there will also be ample time to network and chat with the Checkmk team and other users.

So here’s my ask: If you are a North American Checkmk user, please fill out this brief RSVP form (even if you are not planning on joining). It would help us tremendously in planning the attendance and ‘right-sizing’ the event.

Thank you so much and happy holidays!

Elias & the entire Checkmk US team

PS: If you are working outside of North America, but have colleagues over here who use Checkmk and would benefit from the conference, feel free to forward them the link!


Not residing in the Americas and clueless if you got a user base in South America, but since Atlanta is sharing a timezone with the southern continent, why not call it “Checkmk Conference the Americas”?

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Hi @Yggy

We do have some users in South America as well, but probably not enough to move the needle for this event. When it comes to open-source monitoring, especially Brazil is largely Zabbix-land :smiley:

Just check out their partner network there:

But yes, the final branding might be ‘Checkmk Conference Americas’



And we have @paulosantanabr flying all the way from Brazil to Germany for the conference anyway already :wink:


For sure, I’ll do my best to attend again the conference in Munich.

I loved the “Checkmk Conference Americas” initiative and I know that it is a tiny small step to bring the conference here someday :grinning:.

To anyone from Brazil interested in attending the conference (Munich or Americas) who needs assistance (passport, visa, flight, etc) please contact me by direct message, I’ll be happy to help.


Hi guys. A new user on the platform. Do you have any base in Africa at all.

Hi @samade . Not yet, and no concrete plans. Currently we are serving Africa from Europe due to the huge time overlap, in contrast to Atlanta office.

What sort of hours are you expecting for this? And do you have venue picked out yet? Close to the airport?

Find out more here:

The official programming will start at 9:30 or 10, and conclude ~6pm. After then it’s the evening event with food, drinks and some music