CheckMK Discovery [snmp] SystemError on Cisco FTD

CMK version: - Checkmk Enterprise Edition 2.1.0p8
OS version: RHEL 8.5

Sometimes CheckMK Discovery return this error when on Cisco FTD instantace (Firepower)

no unmonitored services found, 83 vanished services (cisco_asa_failover:1, cisco_cpu_multiitem:14, if64:66, snmp_info:1, uptime:1), no new host labels, [snmp] SystemError(‘ returned a result with an error set’)CRIT

Output of “cmk --debug -vvn hostname”:
[snmp] Success, execution time 39.9 sec | execution_time=39.850 user_time=0.380 system_time=0.040 children_user_time=0.000 children_system_time=0.000 cmk_time_snmp=39.430 cmk_time_agent=0.000

Any ideas ?

This is a typical timeout error message. As you use the enterprise edition i would define a higher timeout than the default 60 seconds for the discovery service. Something like 5 minutes.

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Thanks, this has solved the problem

I guess I have a similar issue with 2 of our largest switches since I moved from nagios to cmc. Check_MK is OK, but Check_MK Discovery delivers the same system error.

How can I change the max timeout for the discovery service? I only find a rule “Periodic Service Discovery”, but there is no parameter for timeout.
Looking at the “SNMP rules” I find “Timing settings for SNMP access” but there a value larger than 60 sec. for “Response timeout for a single query” is refused.

Hi Andreas,

Can you guide us on how/where we can define a higher timeout than the default 60 seconds?


If you use the enterprise edition you can find the rule → Service check timeout (Microcore)
There you can define for every active check other timeout values.

Seems that I looked at the wrong submenus. The exact search words were helpful, thanks!


Thanks for getting back. My apologies maybe i wasn’t being descriptive. My question is how do i define the service discovery for a new host with a longer timeframe (600seconds) when it times out by default at 110seconds. Example. I have a juniper stack of 9 switches and it seems to timeout at 110 with no services listed and instead just this error message

Many thanks,

This 110 second timeout is hard coded inside the source code.
Here you can find a description what needs to be modified.

Thank you! That was it!

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