Checkmk goes Ansible

And the streak continues! :muscle:
Release 0.8.0 hit the Galaxy with another load of improvements to the agent role. :tada:


Another one! :rocket:
We finally fixed a nasty bug within the host module, tackled some bugs within the roles and improved our testing processes. :nerd_face:


Hi Robin,

sorry that I am writing now. I have started to use the ansible collection from v 0.6.0, Itā€™s only couple of week.


I see that this bug is still around and itā€™s not fixed completely.

line 140 in code should not it state

        current_folder = "%s" % extensions.get("folder", "/")

instead of

        current_folder = "%s" % extensions.get("folder", "")

default folder should be ā€œ/ā€ and not ā€œā€.

Anyway thanks for this good collection!
I would be glad if I can help out.

Best, Michael


Hi Michael! Can you head over to GitHub with your report and open a bug issue there? That way it is easier for us to track things like this. Thanks!

Also, thanks for your positive feedback, it is definitely appreciated! :hugs:

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The collection now includes a rule module, thanks to diademiemi! :muscle: This girl is on :fire:!
Make sure to star and watch the repository as there are already new modules queued for release soon. :newspaper:


It is the month of awsometober, where we have a release packed not only with one, but two new modules! :star_struck:

  • muehlings added a tag_group module which enables management of tag groups.
  • msekania (@sekania) added a host_group module to add and remove host groups.

And there is more yet to come with another release within the month. Stay tuned! :headphones:


A post was split to a new topic: Ansible collection automation user usage

Another month, another module! And some bugfixes top off this release. :rocket:

  • msekania (@sekania) added a contact_group module to add and remove contact groups.

And again there is more to come with another release before the end of the year. Stay tuned! :christmas_tree:


A post was split to a new topic: Is the legacy agent supported by the Ansible collection?

Do not get the idea, that Friday will be our official release day for the collection, this is pure coincidence! :sweat_smile:

But yet again, we proudly release a new module, contributed by msekania (@sekania): The service_groups module. :rocket:

We also added support for the new password hashing, as described in this Werk: Require password change for old password hashes

P.S.: You might have noticed some errors in our integration and molecule tests. These are non-critical, although annoying. We will work on improvements and will track this here:

If you feel like you can contribute something, be our guest. :blush:


Guess what? Another Friday, another release! :see_no_evil:

This one is an easy one though. We only aligned the module options of the host_group module with the other ā€œgroup modulesā€ and improved some documentation. :screwdriver:

This is probably the last release for the year, so I will see you all on the other side! :wave:
Have great and pleasant holidays, enjoy time with your loved ones, celebrate whatever you celebrate, be kind to each other and automate with Ansible! :christmas_tree::gift::robot:


Hah, no Friday today! :muscle:
But the first release of this year! :hourglass_flowing_sand:
We played it safe and only included bug fixes, refactoring and minor changes. :safety_vest:
Refer to the CHANGELOG for a detailed listing. :scroll:

Notable changes:

  • The agent role does not set the host attribute tag_agent by default anymore. As the value set is the default, this should not break anything. It should actually be the expected behavior. But be aware of the change.
  • The folder module now uses name instead of title. The latter is retained
    as an alias until further notice.
  • The host module now uses name instead of host_name. The latter is retained
    as an alias but will be removed with a future release.

Aaand we are back to a Friday release again! :person_facepalming::smiley:
Anyway: The Ansible Collection version 0.16.0 just hit the shelves! :partying_face:

This release is packed:

  • We introduced proper support for registering agents at remote sites in the agent role.
  • The rule module got a lot of love, primarily from @geof77. :heart: You are now able to specify the position of the rule, and idempotency was improved.
    We have to admit though, that it seems to be the most complicated module and there is always something new to discover. If you are using this module, please review the changes in this release carefully!

P.S.: We disabled the molecule tests for roles completely for now, as there are serious problems with Docker and systemd. We still test changes locally of course, and we work to re-implement proper testing of roles in the future.

Now without further adoo, on to the release:

Galaxy link: Ansible Galaxy


It is Friday people! :spiral_calendar:

Guess Iā€™ll do another release then. :person_shrugging:

Nothing too fancy today, mainly bug fixes and minor changes. We fixed some things with the agent role and improved the way the rule module checks for existing rules. We also fixed some cosmetics in several modules.

But there are some juicy features lined up for upcoming releases, so stay tuned! :musical_note:

P.S.: The molecule tests for the server role are back! :tada:
For those interested: There is an issue with cgroups and Docker in Ubuntu 22, so the runners use Ubuntu 20 for the foreseeable future.

Galaxy link: Ansible Galaxy


No Friday Release! Yes! :muscle:

This one is also packed with two awesome additions!

  1. Introducing the brand-new user module! :tada: Awesome job @lgetwan! :rocket:
  2. The rule module now has a check mode, thanks to @geof77. :microscope: :raised_hands:

Additionally, we fixed some linting findings, and improved our CI processes.


Nobody likes Mondays, but here is a reason to at least dislike them a little less: Release of the Ansible Collection 0.19.0! :partying_face:

There is one awesome new feature, one bug fix and a lot of CI and build-related changes.

  • The awesome new feature is: A first step towards a centralized library of functions within the collection. Shout-out to @marcel.arentz (GitHub)! :muscle:
  • The bug fix was provided by @lars.getwan and fixes the creation of automation users with the user module. :screwdriver:
  • The CI and build-related changes include testing the collection against the freshly released Checkmk 2.2 beta, as well as removing support for Ansible 2.11 and Python 2.7, 3.6 and 3.7 while introducing support for Ansible 2.14. For details read the change log.

Today we have more of a maintenance release. :screwdriver:

  • Most notable is the update to the host module by @Gaida_Oliver: He enabled updating and removing attributes in addition to fully manage them. Furthermore, he fixed a potentially undesired behavior, if the folder attribute was not explicitly given. We appreciate your work, thanks man! :partying_face:
  • @geof77 fixed a crash in the rule module. We appreciate that! :wrench:
  • @flybyray made the firewall zone on RedHat derivates configurable in the agent role, nice! :+1:

Letā€™s start the week with a nice and shiny collection release, shall we? :partying_face:

The most notable changes are these:

  • Huge shout out to @Max for contributing the bakery module! :rocket:
  • sscmh added Alma Linux support to the server role. :muscle:
  • We fixed a bug where activating changes from the agent role did not work with self-signed certificates. :beetle:

And another release within one week. This quicker turn around was due to a bug in the activation module that was introduced by a pull request that was not merged prior to release of 0.21.0. So I recommend updating to 0.22.0 as soon as possible. :zap:

This release contains a non-minor change, which fixes the aforementioned issue only as a side effect. :adhesive_bandage: The main change in this release is the introduction of further centralization, courtesy of @marcel.arentz. :muscle: Thanks buddy! :pray:

The changes are already implemented in some modules, but other still need to be migrated. If that sounds like a job for you, head over to GitHub and dive right in. :technologist:


So here we are: A final normal release to this collection before we move to the new name. :wave:

Remarkable changes in this release:

  • The folder module now supports the REST API methods update_attributes and remove_attributes. That means, that you can now selectively update attributes without having to know all attributes of a folder. Read the documentation for further details. Thanks at @sekania for your continuous contributions! :hugs:
  • Also, the folder module received support for check mode by @sekania. :metal:
  • The tag_group module received some refactoring. Should have no effect on functionality, but mentioning it here for transparency. :broom:
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