CheckMK Nagios - tmp directory is not ready. Use "omd start" to prepare it

CMK version: 2.0
OS version: Centos 7

Error message: tmp directory is not ready. Use “omd start” to prepare it

Hi For some reason i cant not start the nagios service on the OMD:

Caon some one help me please?

Usually each site has a separate tmpfs, mounted on /opt/omd/sites/SITENAME/tmp. You can check the config with omd config show TMPFS as site user.

But even if you don’t use a (fast because RAM based) tmpfs, in any case you need the ~/tmp directory in the site home. By default it has 0755 permissions (drwxr-xr-x) and is owned by the site user/group. Check if perhaps this directory is missing in your site’s home or has wrong permissions/owner/group.

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Ah, your screenshow shows “Temporary filesystem already mounted”, so TMPFS is obviously configured.

You can try omd disable SITENAME; omd enable SITENAME; omd start SITENAME (instead of just stop/start). This should unmount and re-mount the tmpfs.

Or debug further with:

mount | grep /sites
df -h -t tmpfs | grep /sites
grep omd/sites /etc/fstab
ls -ld /opt/omd/*/tmp
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Thank you very much for the information!

it helps a lot.


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