CheckMK Plugin for discovering host labels


We are monitoring several network devices, which got quite a big variety of temperature ranges.
From the system description, we are able to identify a vendor and model.

In the past with 1.6, we had host tags defined, so with adding hosts, you had to choose a vendor and products, but now after cleaning up a lot of the old mess with the upgrade to 2.0, I would like to have a check-plugin (or whatever is best practice) to discover a host label.
So the core of that is kind of “if sysdescription is like “nexus 7k”, then create host label vendor:cisco, platform:nexus7k”.
With that I can do different temperature rules and make them conditional to host labels.

Now the big question: How? I cannot find anything in the developer guide.

Looking forward to your inputs


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HostLabels can be yielded in the parse_function of a check-plugin, ServiceLabels in the inventory_function. Have a look at existing check plugins.